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fossil site中文是什么意思

用"fossil site"造句"fossil site"怎么读"fossil site" in a sentence


  • 化石遗址


  • The burgess shale fossil site , well known for its fossil remains of soft - bodied marine animals , is also found there
  • Hystrix subcristata hystrix subcristata mammalia , rodentia from tianyuan cave , a human fossil site newly discovered near zhoukoudian choukoutien
  • U - series dating of compact and well crystallized cave calcites , with its fairly high reliability , is commonly used for hominid fossil sites
  • Riversleigh and naracoorte , situated in the north and south respectively of eastern australia , are among the world ' s 10 greatest fossil sites
  • The study of the jehol biota has a long way to go , while the scientific administration and protection of the fossil sites remains a pressing issue
  • While u - series dating of compact and well crystallized cave calcites , with its fairly high reliability , is widely used for hominid fossil sites
  • Later , large numbers of fossils were found there , of many different species . they included both marine and land organisms , and revealed much about the organisms " evolution and the changing geographical environment . tsailiao creek became a world - famous fossil site
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